We were done. We had 18 month
old twins and we had been assured that we would never conceive on our own. We
were okay with that. We had made the decision to "chance it." We understood that
it was highly unlikely that it would ever happen but we wanted to just let God
make that decision for us. I took my last pill on 10/31. I took a pregnancy test
on 12/11 and found out that our fighter was on the way. What a welcomed
We had no intention of finding
out if the baby was a boy or a girl. We wanted to wait and find out when he/she
arrived. But just like before, this was going to be done how Colton wanted it to
be done. At my 18 week ultrasound, as she put the probe on my growing belly
there it was....his boy parts displayed for all in the room to see. She knew
that we didn't want to know, however this was all little man's doing. It was also
at this ultrasound that we found out that he had a thickened neuchal fold. She
told us that more than likely he would have Down Syndrome, or a sever heart
defect. I didn't believe her. We had the amniocentesis only to find out
that it was not Downs. They did a fetal echo and told me it was normal, and fluid on one his kidneys but it was within normal by
the recheck. At 32 weeks I was told there was nothing wrong with the baby and
was sent out to enjoy the rest of my pregnancy.

I thought the pediatrician was crazy. I've been a nurse for 10 years and
have never heard of that, and besides my baby didn't have all those things she
saw....did he?
Fast forward 4 months and a failure to thrive diagnosis. What does that mean anyway? He eats fine,
sleeps fine, etc. Once again they must be crazy. I told them they could do their
little genetic testing but we also need to get back to the basics. Maybe he was
just allergic to milk. Testing revealed he was. I cut all dairy out of my diet,
and still he didn't grow. Hmmm maybe they were on to something after all, and its
just me that couldn't see it? Eight weeks later genetic testing confirmed PTPN11. Finally a reason for all the "issues"-- we can move forward and fix them.

We started on GHT at 18 months
old. I have never regretted this decision. My theory is that when it comes to
growth there are no take backs. You can't take back the years of delayed growth,
and I didn't want him coming to me at 14 years old asking me why I didn't start
sooner. However, in the same instance, if he comes to me at 14 and decides to stop
then that is his decision, and Ill be ok with that.
He is our 'funny guy"! He keeps
us on our toes, and is the jokester of our family. He really is the perfect
addition to our duo. While I would not change anything about him, I am glad he
was our little "surprise" in every way. I can honestly say I never expected